Wednesday, January 21, 2009

News Reports on What Happened

So that everyone can get a more clear idea of what happened, here are some links to local news that have the most accurate story posted:

KUTV 2 News Article

KUTV 2 Video - News Broadcast

We will type a full description when time is available.


  1. We were just sick to hear what happened to your family on the news. Thank you for taking the time to give us real information. Our prayers are with your whole family and Miss Wendi. We pray for a speedy recovery for everyone. Emilee wants to send a great big hug and kiss from her, and Sage wants you to get better soon Miss Wendi. We love you and will continue to pray for your recovery. Emilee has already drawn some get well cards. We will mail them to the house. Love the Bateman Family

  2. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. We have been thinking of you all and praying for you, especially Wendi. Please, let us know if there is even the smallest thing that we can do to help you. We love you! Tyler, Lindsey and Quinn Hubert
